
Awards celebrate Ballarat’s up and coming leaders

August 14, 2023 9:32 am in by
Photo: Ballarat Youth Services

Up and coming leaders in Ballarat have been celebrated at the city’s Youth Awards on Friday night.

The annual event pays tribute to young people making important contributions to a range of sectors in the community, including sport, diversity and inclusion.

Keeley Johnson and Jasmine Goon were named as the winners of the major awards for ages 18 to 25 and 12 to 17.

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Full list of winners in other categories:

Compassion and Care Award – Keeley Johnson
Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Award – Albert Mumba
Group Project Award – Delacombe Junior Youth Spiritual Empowerment Group
Influential Adult – Volunteer – Wendy England
Influential Adult – Worker – Nikki Bell
Leadership in Sport & Recreation Award – Mitchell Hardman
Personal Growth Award – Delana Wright
Positive Leader Award – Gabriel Gervasoni
Young Creative Award – Jasmine Goon
Youth Volunteer Award – Noah Quick
